Friday, 16 November 2007

Routing Issues Affecting Manchester Servers (resolved)

We are currently experiencing some routing issues to our Manchester servers. London and Edinburgh datacentres are unaffected. This will interuptions to email for customers using certain ISPs. We are currently investigating the cause and hope to have this resolved shortly.

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Georbl Service Launched

Due to customer demand we have added a by-country whitelisting service to our anti-spam measures. In order to implement this the Georbl project was launched. Georbl maps IP addresses to their two-letter country IANA country codes, thus allowing per-country access and filtering rules to be constructed.

Monday, 5 November 2007

Congestion/packet loss affecting Manchester datacentre (resolved)

There are some congestion issues that have been affecting the Manchester datacentre for the last few minutes. This should be fixed very shortly.